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Alsace, Escapade, France_Alsace_Haut-Koenigsbourg

Discover the Alsatian gastronomy and wines Gastronomy, Wine and Beer !

Wine & Gastronomy

Discover the Alsatian gastronomy and wines

5 days / 4 nights


Lisela’s Highlights:

  • Enjoy some time with a winemaker with a lunch at the domain
  • Meet a brewer to discover his know-how and passion for beer. End with a craft-beer tasting.
  • Taste a few delicious local specialties such as tartes flambées, Munster cheese, brandy, gingerbread… and wine!

Day 1 / Arrival day

Arrival in Colmar. Check-in at the hotel. Dinner.

Day 2 / Colmar, capital city of the Wine Road

Breakfast at the hotel. Guided visit of the historic center of Colmar. Capital of the Alsace Wine Route, the lovely city of Colmar will seduce you with its typical Alsatian charm! Stroll through the cobbled streets and marvel at the half-timbered houses with flowered windows. Aboard a flat-bottomed boat, discover all the charm of the authentic district of Little Venice. You will cruise through the city and appreciate the serenity of the market gardeners’ quarter where abundant vegetation abounds. Departure for the Wine Road. You will be welcomed by a wine-maker to discover their wine cellar and taste a couple of wines with a cheese and charcuterie board for lunch. Continuation to Riquewihr for the guided visit of one of these typical villages. Dinner.

Day 3 / The Wine Road and Gastronomy, a whole Alsatian tradition

Breakfast at the hotel. Departure for the Haut-Koenigsbourg castle. Walking through the gates of this Castle is like plunging into the world of the Middle Ages. From the lower courtyard with its inn, forge and mill, to the spiral staircases leading to the furnished flats of the lord… discover the architecture, the collections and the atmosphere, all steeped in 900 years of history. Typical Tartes Flambées for lunch. Continuation on the Wine Road to reach Gertwiller and its gingerbread factory. You will taste a few Christmas cookies! Road to Saint Pierre. Visit a craft brewery and beer tasting with a Bretzel. Dinner.

Day 4 / Breath-taking view on the Mountain roads and tasty specialties

Breakfast at the hotel. Departure to the Munster valley for a day in the mountains. You will be amazed by the view over Alsace and the rolling mountains. Visit of a cheese farm and cheese tasting. Traditional “Marcaire” lunch. (Rich and tasty menu traditionally served in farms). In the afternoon, you keep discovering the beautiful landscapes of the Vosges Mountains. Stop in a distillery for a visit of the factory and brandy tasting. On the way back to the hotel, stop in Kaysersberg for some free time to discover this charming village surrounded by mountains and vineyards. Dinner at your leisure in Colmar.

Day 5 / Departure Day

Breakfast at the hotel. End of our services.

Customize this itinerary:

  • Under 28 people, enjoy your time on the Wine Road in our red Open top bus.
  • Discover a unique spot in Alsace. A wine cellar with a panorama bar over vineyards. You can have a wine tasting with cheese boards and local products.
  • If you would like to start or end your trip in Paris, we can organize it for you as well

This price includes

  • Full-pension from dinner day 1 to breakfast day 5 (except for dinner day 4)
  • 4* hotel in double rooms in Colmar or the Wine Road (4 nights)
  • All activities mentioned below (except for the “customize this itinerary” part)
  • Taxes and services

This price does not include

  • Transport (which we can include)
  • Dinner day 4
  • Beverages and personal expenses
  • All item not mentioned in “the price includes”

Your tripIn pictures

Alsace, Voyage, Golf, Agence de Voyages, Agence Réceptive, Lisela, Grand Est
©ART GE Meyer
Alsace, Gastronomie, vin voyage, week-end, Grand-Est, Lisela, Escapade, Agence de voyages
©ART GE Creutz

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